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Kindergarten Enrolments

Kindergarten Enrolments

As Kindergarten is pre-compulsory schooling, there is no guarantee of a place in your local school.

Kindergartnen Enrolments are not currently open.
We recommend subscribing to our newsletter for updates on the exact date of enrolment commencement.

All applications are equally considered against Department of Education criteria (by order of priority):

First Priority

Second Priority

Third Priority

Fourth Priority

Child whose usual place of residence is in the intake area for the school who has a sibling enrolled at the school for that year and who lives nearest the school.

Child whose usual place of residence is in the intake area for the school who does not have a sibling enrolled at the school for that year and who lives nearest the school.

Child whose usual place of residence is NOT in the intake area for the school who has a sibling enrolled at the school for the year and who lives nearest the school.

Child whose usual place of residence is NOT in the intake area for the school who does not have a sibling enrolled at the school for the year and who lives nearest

Please complete an Application for Enrolment Form by clicking on the link below. 

Please note this is an application only and not an enrolment.

Complete one form per child and return the completed form to us, along with a copy of: